Nipman sells and promotes technically superior products for paper quality management and optimization of paper manufacturing processes in Scandinavia, Finland, UK and DACH Area. We have been serving our customers and selling our products since 2000.

Superior technology solutions and process optimizations

New solution can radically reduce water consumption in the process Industry.

Optimise energy and water savings and process with NEW Finnish invention - FlowControl - SZ8 SealCooler™ thermosiphon system

Seal Cooler saves both water and energy. It provides significant savings in the consumption of sealing water compared to an external flow-through. In addition, the sustainability of the entire business increases.

Please click the photo for more information.

Nipman Paper Technology, is Flow Control Exclusive representative of the product on the Scandinavian and European market. Including also Turkey and Middle East.

Please contact Robert Clayhills:

Nipman Pappersteknologi - Skandinavien

Nipman är en agenturverksamhet som sedan år 2000 representerar företag med gedigen kunskap om kvalitetskontroll och processoptimering av papper tillverknings processen på den Skandinaviska marknaden.

​Försäljning och marknadsföring av överlägsna instrument och lösningar till papper, kartong-, stål-, plast- och konverteringsindustrin i Skandinavien, Storbritannien och Tyskland.

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Nipman Paper Technology - UK

Nipman is a sales agency representing companies with unique machinery and service solutions for paper machine optimisation in Scandinavia since year 2000 - UK 2015 and DACH Area since 2016.

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Nipman North - DACH Area

Nipman vertreibt für die Papierindustrie entwickelte, hochwertige und zum Teil einzigartige, Instrumente und Lösungen zur Optimierung von Produtktionsprozessen und verbesserter Produktqualität.

In Skandinavien arbeitet Nipman seit 2000. Nipman North ist hauptsächlich für die D-A-CH Region zuständig.

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Nipman SUOMI

Nipman on myynyt ja markkinoinut teknisesti ylivoimaisia tuotteita paperin laadun hallinnassa sekä paperin valmistusprosessin optimoinnissa Skandinaviassa, Saksassa ja UK:ssa jo vuodesta 2000 alkaen.

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Sensorik Austria GmbH, has since over 35 years focused on producing high-quality photo-sensors and NIR multi spectral sensors for the Pulp & Paper Industry. Sheet-break detectors and NON-Contact Moisture Sensor "SensoWeb Moist" for tough conditions.



The Game-Changing Solution


The Flow Control SZ8 SealCooler™ thermosiphon system introduces a closed-circulation system, designed for use with dual mechanical seals. Instead of relying on continuous water flow, it uses only 8-9 liters of water in a sealed loop, reducing waste and energy consumption significantly. But the benefits don’t stop there: Please read more: